Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects

  • Title: "Retinal Vascular Modeling, Measurement and Diagnosis"

  • Programm: FP7

  • Duration: April 2013 - March 2017

  • Coordinator: University of Lincoln

  • Partners: See the web site http://revammad.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/partners/

  • Inria contact: J.-F. Gerbeau

  • REVAMMAD is a European Union project aimed at combatting some of the EU’s most prevalent chronic medical conditions using retinal imaging. The project aims to train a new generation of interdisciplinary scientists for the academic, clinical and industrial sectors, and to trigger a new wave of biomedical interventions. The role of REO team within this consortium is to propose a mathematical model and a simulation tool for the retina hemodynamics. See http://revammad.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk for more details.